Monday, May 23, 2011
SOOO Glad the weekend is over!
Chad and I had a couple of stressful weeks, we had been asked to speak in church on Being Self Reliant. Chad was excited but nervous and I was a complete wreck! I hate getting up infront of people and I had my talk all written out word for word;) So funny story I get up there and try to add lib and tell a joke and haha totally got tongue twisted... I guess I should just stick to the script! Chad did great he is good about talking infront of people. Needless to say we're glad the weekend is over!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Happy Mothers Day To Me!
So it was Sunday Mothers Day morning and we have church at 8am we were all ready to go and be there 15 min early to be able to sit in the comfy seats when Chad puts Chaycelee in her carseat and says "what is all over the front of her dress?" I look down and sure enough she had had a BIG TIME BLOWOUT up the front and the back so we were rushing to get a new dress on and stick the clothes in the washer...needless to say we didn't get to sit on the comfy chairs we ended up in the very back row! HaHa oh well...Happy Mothers day To ME! I Love It:)
9 months to put it on...9 months to get it off
So Chaycelee turned five months old a couple days ago and man the time has flown by I love her so for my body im trying to get back into shape and the last 8 pounds are really being stubborn! I have always worked out so I think its time to trick my body so chad has got me on a weights workout instead of all of the cardio I was doing we will see! So far I am sore most the days so I guess that is a good sign, I am hoping I will just get lucky and one day it will just fall off! I am still breastfeeding so I cant really get too strict with my diet ( which im not complaining about...I hate dieting!)
Monday, May 2, 2011
Look A Like?
Some people have been telling me that Chaycelee looks like Berkeley did as a baby, I can't see it. It's funny because at every Doctors appointment they seem to be the same height weight and head circumference. I have one picture of Chaycelee and one of Berkeley let me know what you think?! One thing is for sure they were both bald:)

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