We went to Chads cousin Marks Wedding Reception in Payson it was lots of fun!
One day we were really bored so we decided to take a few pics... don't pay any attention to me I look scary but Chaycelee looks so cute! Oh and Buddy wanted in on the fun :)
ChAyCeLeE iS 4 MoNtHs OlD
I cannot believe Chaycelee is four months old time has flown by so fast I can't imagine our life without her we are so blessed to have such a sweet spirit...she is our LiTtlE tInY pRiNcEsS!
We went to Chaycelee's 4 month doctors appointment today, we were excited to see her measurments but nervous for her to get her second round of shots. She did great she cried for a min then was just fine just was kinda tired the rest of the day. The doctor said she looked great and was growing;) Milestones...Chaycelee can smile giggle and role over from back to tummy and occationally from tummy to back, she supports head really well and can stand up when you hold her on your lap.
Chaycelee's Measurements
Head Circumference 15 3/4
Height 25 3/4
Weight 13#10oz
Play Time & Bath Time
HaPpY bIrThDaY cHaD!!!!
Ok so it's not quite Chad's birthday it's on April 25th but we celebrated it on Sunday, it was our week to be at my moms for dinner:) I can't believe Chad is 25 we are getting so old:)
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