Chaycelee turned six months old on June 6th she is growing so fast. We love the stage she is in now she is contant smiles and busy busy busy! Things she is doing: sits up by herself (for the most part), rolls over both ways, smiles, giggles, and has a little additude thats for sure (she gets that from her dad!) Her doctors appointment went great she got another round of shots. The doctor said she is growing good and that I can start to give her rice cereal. Also he said to start letting her cry through the night. She goes to bed at 7 and sleeps til about 2 or 3 and I go in and just give her her binky, then gets up about 6 to eat then goes back to bed til 7:30. So she is on a pretty good schedule.
Chaycelee's Stats
Height 27inches (85%)
Weight 16#2oz (54%)
Head 16.5inches (35%)

I can't believe it is has been 6 months already! She is so darn cute!!